Sunday, September 26, 2010

Immortal Fear: Chapter One

I lay in the deep green grass, which was badly needing to be mowed, and close my eyes. The wind blew, lightly tangling my thick, golden mass, of red hair. The moment felt right, and I liked it. Being alone at night by my Grandmother Mem's lake. I open my eyes now, staring up at the beautiful full moon above me. I didn't know how this moment could feel more perfect.

It is late fall here in the small town of Scarvet, Illinois. Scarvet is a farm town in the outskirts of the main city, Quincey. I didn't like being in the country, but tonight, I kind of did. I originally live in a big city, with skyscrapers and busy trafic. Thinking about that, made me homesick. My parents have shipped me off to Grandma's for the month. Joy.

I hear a wolf howl in the distance, and I cock my head in the direction. It startled me a little, knowing I wasn't alone. I suddenly feel uncomfortable, I didn't know why, but I just did. As I get to my feet, I see the kitchen lights turn on at Grandma's house. Oh crap.

I begin to sprint to the old, two story house where my Grandma would be waiting. I begin thinking of reasons why I was gone in my head. Nothing came to mind. I curse angrily as I reach the house. I look through the kitchen window to see Grandma come down the stairs, calling out my name. I take a seat on the outside steps, my green jacket pulled close behind me.

"Audrey?" a female voice asks. That was my Grandmother Mem. I turn to see her open the door, and kneel next to me, her shaky hands on my shoulder. "What are you doing out here? You scared the living shit out of me!" she says, placing one hand over her heart. That's why I loved my Grandma, she wasn't afraid to cuss. I weakly smile and hug her.

"I just needed some air," I answered. It was the truth. She rubs my shoulder.

"Well," she suggests, "Let's go inside and I can make you some hot chocolate," I couldn't refuse. I grin, as we both stand up. Mem opens the door, and walks in. I follow close behind but freeze when I hear sticks snap in the woods near the house. I hesitate, staring cautiously. It must have been a wolf, or a deer, or something.

I then walk into the house, the smell of coacoa lingering in the air.


  1. The only two words that came to mind;
    AH-mazing! (:

  2. Haha, really? Its ok I guess. But when like, I actually make a real book of it, it will be WAY better. Hopefully. Hey, we should like, in the future, make a book. Like, a series. Where, in book one, I would be the author, because thats when Audrey first becomes a vampire. And in book two, you and I could go chapters. Where, I would do one chapter where Audrey tells the story, then you do another where Silver tells the story. Ha, I dont know. = )

  3. do u two know each other in real life cause you are so good friends

  4. No. We only know eachother by stardoll. = )

  5. That is a brilliant idea! Now I want to meet you in real life....
