Monday, September 27, 2010

Immortal Fear: Chapter Two

"I'll be right back, Mem!" I called, as the screen door slams behind me. I bend down, adjusting my UGG's, and then make my way across the lawn. I grab my black helmet from the ground and place it over my head. I then throw my leg over the camo 4-Wheeler, and hop on. I look back at the house before turning the key. The engine roars to life, and I pull back the stick shift. I slowly let go of the handle bars, and it begins to move. I go at a normal, average speed. Not to slow, not to fast.

I steel another glance at the house, then infront of me. The woods began to emerge from behind the hill. That was my destination. As I enter, I continue to go deeper into the woods. Inside these woods, were the homes to deer, wolves, coyotes, and basicly any living creature. Once I'm far enough, I put the 4-Wheeler into park, and get off. I take off my helmet and place it on the cushion seat. I then begin to walk, yellow and orange leaves crunching under my weight.

Up ahead, stood a abandoned house. It was a small, wooden cabin actually. To me, it was my fort. But to others, it was just a piece of crap that wouldn't last this winter. I pull out a key from my coat pocket, and unlock the cabin, then step inside.

Immediatly, I inhale dust and little particles floating in the air. Little light shown in threw the window. I let out a cough, clearing my throat, then walk over to the dresser. I open one of the bottom droors, and rummage through items I haven't used in years. I finally find what I'm looking for; a notebook. I pull it out, and close the droor, and take a seat on a wooden chair that stood by the open door.

I flip through notebook until I come to the 7th page. It had a list of recipies my grandma was looking for. Tonight, we were having Tator Tot Cassarole. I then smirk at a drawing on the next page. It showed a female stick figure with a crazed expression. One thought came to mind, I drew that years ago.

Just as I stand up, the cabin door slams shut.


  1. Oh. My. Fudge. Ing. God. THIS IS AMAZING LEXIE! I love it. Love it, love it, LOVE IT. Please write more.

  2. I love that it is brillant good writing keep on writing i love it
