Sunday, October 3, 2010

Immortal Fear: Chapter Four

I scan the woods cautiously. It must have been my imagination, but something inside me told me it wasn't. I hear more stick snapping, and more dead leaves crunching under weight. I try to slide back into the cabin, but I wouldn't budge. I breathe uneavenly, and my heart races. Something emerges from the bushes and tree's. I gasp.

It was a girl.

She had short black hair, witch was curly. Her eyes were a very dark brown, and her skin was very pale. Gosh, this girl needed some sun. She looked to be my age, as she walks, eyebrow raised, coming towards me. She wore a fleece orange sweater, and faded jeans. "Um, need some help there?" she asks.

"Um, yeah," I say, embarressed. She slightly nods and walks over to me. She reaches up and grabs my hands. She attempts to pull me out, but I don't budge. I feel more embarressed. "Gosh," I mutter. The girl lets go and look around for something. She walks over to a fallen log and pulls out a knife, which startled me. She begins cutting the log in half. What could a little knife do to a huge log? "Um, what are you doing?" I ask.

"I'm cutting the log, to make it a stool for when we free you from the window," she says, concentrating on the work.

"Oh," I say. I try to get free, but it still doesnt work. "Um, if you don't mind me asking," I begin, "Who are you?"

She hesitates, then continues cutting. "I'm Bruxa Myers. A sophomore at Scarvet high school. I live around here in the woods, I' here." she says, still working. I didn't need that much of information, I think to myself. But I should be glad, she was freeing me. Minutes later, the log snaps in half and she brings it over to me. Gosh, she was stronger then she looked. She places the log at the foot of the window. She grabs my hands once more, and free's me. I step down onto the log, then onto the forest floor. I rub my sides.

"Thanks," I say thankfuly. She nods, then looks at me.

"I didn't catch your name," she says, crossing her arms when the wind blows.

"I'm Audrey Locke," I answer. And then, she gave a strange look, which formed into a smile.

"Hello Audrey," she grins. Then and there, I felt uncomfortable.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Immortal Fear: Chapter Three

I spin around to face the closed door. Something began to form in my stomach. Probably terror, fear, and ect. It was just the wind, I think to myself. I close the notebook, and put it in my jean back pocket. I walk over to the door, grip the handle, and pull. It doesn't budge. I try once more.


A lump forms in my throat and I try multiple times. Still nothing. I scratch the back of my neck, which I usually did when I was uncomfortable or nervous. I swallow, but I learn my throat has gone utterly dry. I let out a cough.

"Um, Mem?" I call out. Mem could have possibly have been pulling a prank on me. But, something told me it wasn't her nor the wind. No one answers. Minutes go by, and I soon began to freak. "Mem!" I yell out, banging on the locker door. Here's the strange thing; this door didn't have a lock. I flinch nervousily and look around for something. I soon realize how stupid I was. Their was a window in the kitchen area. I stride over to it and study it for a few moments. I climb onto the kitchen counter and lean over, and unlock the window. I push the glass up, and punch the screen part of it. I suck in, and squeeze through.

It wasn't very comfortable. In my opinion, I was fat. But it was the window that was to small. "Damn," I mutter under my breath. I then notice another problem. The ground was almost 7 feet down. If I did get out, I'd fall head first. I bite my bottom lip as half of me is outside, the other inside.

The bushes rustle, and I hear something snap. I feel my heart pound in my chest, and I can't breathe. Something...or someone, was here.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Immortal Fear: Chapter Two

"I'll be right back, Mem!" I called, as the screen door slams behind me. I bend down, adjusting my UGG's, and then make my way across the lawn. I grab my black helmet from the ground and place it over my head. I then throw my leg over the camo 4-Wheeler, and hop on. I look back at the house before turning the key. The engine roars to life, and I pull back the stick shift. I slowly let go of the handle bars, and it begins to move. I go at a normal, average speed. Not to slow, not to fast.

I steel another glance at the house, then infront of me. The woods began to emerge from behind the hill. That was my destination. As I enter, I continue to go deeper into the woods. Inside these woods, were the homes to deer, wolves, coyotes, and basicly any living creature. Once I'm far enough, I put the 4-Wheeler into park, and get off. I take off my helmet and place it on the cushion seat. I then begin to walk, yellow and orange leaves crunching under my weight.

Up ahead, stood a abandoned house. It was a small, wooden cabin actually. To me, it was my fort. But to others, it was just a piece of crap that wouldn't last this winter. I pull out a key from my coat pocket, and unlock the cabin, then step inside.

Immediatly, I inhale dust and little particles floating in the air. Little light shown in threw the window. I let out a cough, clearing my throat, then walk over to the dresser. I open one of the bottom droors, and rummage through items I haven't used in years. I finally find what I'm looking for; a notebook. I pull it out, and close the droor, and take a seat on a wooden chair that stood by the open door.

I flip through notebook until I come to the 7th page. It had a list of recipies my grandma was looking for. Tonight, we were having Tator Tot Cassarole. I then smirk at a drawing on the next page. It showed a female stick figure with a crazed expression. One thought came to mind, I drew that years ago.

Just as I stand up, the cabin door slams shut.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Immortal Fear: Chapter One

I lay in the deep green grass, which was badly needing to be mowed, and close my eyes. The wind blew, lightly tangling my thick, golden mass, of red hair. The moment felt right, and I liked it. Being alone at night by my Grandmother Mem's lake. I open my eyes now, staring up at the beautiful full moon above me. I didn't know how this moment could feel more perfect.

It is late fall here in the small town of Scarvet, Illinois. Scarvet is a farm town in the outskirts of the main city, Quincey. I didn't like being in the country, but tonight, I kind of did. I originally live in a big city, with skyscrapers and busy trafic. Thinking about that, made me homesick. My parents have shipped me off to Grandma's for the month. Joy.

I hear a wolf howl in the distance, and I cock my head in the direction. It startled me a little, knowing I wasn't alone. I suddenly feel uncomfortable, I didn't know why, but I just did. As I get to my feet, I see the kitchen lights turn on at Grandma's house. Oh crap.

I begin to sprint to the old, two story house where my Grandma would be waiting. I begin thinking of reasons why I was gone in my head. Nothing came to mind. I curse angrily as I reach the house. I look through the kitchen window to see Grandma come down the stairs, calling out my name. I take a seat on the outside steps, my green jacket pulled close behind me.

"Audrey?" a female voice asks. That was my Grandmother Mem. I turn to see her open the door, and kneel next to me, her shaky hands on my shoulder. "What are you doing out here? You scared the living shit out of me!" she says, placing one hand over her heart. That's why I loved my Grandma, she wasn't afraid to cuss. I weakly smile and hug her.

"I just needed some air," I answered. It was the truth. She rubs my shoulder.

"Well," she suggests, "Let's go inside and I can make you some hot chocolate," I couldn't refuse. I grin, as we both stand up. Mem opens the door, and walks in. I follow close behind but freeze when I hear sticks snap in the woods near the house. I hesitate, staring cautiously. It must have been a wolf, or a deer, or something.

I then walk into the house, the smell of coacoa lingering in the air.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Welcome everyone to This blogspot is based off my future book which I have still not figured out what to be called, so this is what your here for. For my book to be incredible and hopefully amazing, I need your opinions. Heres my main questions:

What should the name be?

How should the cover look like?

I have came up with several names; Immortal Fear, Immortal Desire, Immortal Death, Immortal Blood, Immortal Betrayel, and Immortal Lies.

What should the first book out of four books be named? Please write to me on my stardoll account, VampireLexie.

I will soon later post the covers I want you to vote. Also, the characters on the sides are main characters in the books. If you wish, one of the characters would be changed, please write to me on my stardoll account. Also, if you have any character reccomendations, also contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to check out this website. I will daily update it.